Misplaced: Getting out of bed, the tile floor was so cold that Yoko shivered all over.
- No way tile is getting out of bed. Thus, we need to find subject.
Corrected: Getting out of bed, Yoko where the tile floor was so cold shivered all over.
Misplaced: After putting on the shirt, the room didn't seem so cold.
Corrected: The shirts I didn't feel so cold in the room.
Misplaced: While visiting the Agriean Safari, a baboon scramled onto the hood of their car.
Corrected: While visiting the Agriean Safari, we .................
Example 1:
- I nearly earned one hundred dollars last week.
- Nothing earned
- I earned nearly one hundred dollars last week.
- Got the money.
- Example 2:
- Clark that stung him swatted the wasp with a newspaper.
- Clark, with a newspaper, swatted the wasp that stung him.
- Example 3:
- Janne decided to live with her grandparents in order to SAVE MONEY when she attended college.
- Joan decided to live with her grandmothers until she saved enough money to attend College.
- Example 4:
- Paula returned the hamburger that was spoiled to the supermarket.
- Example 5:
- Roger, still weak with the flue, visited the old house.
- Example 6:
- The phone rang almost fifteen times last night.
- Example 7:
- My uncle, under the influence of whisky, saw a Kangaroo at the window.
- Example 8:
- On the day she was born, we decided to send our daughte to the college.
- Example 9:
- Ford opens ALWAYS the bills... saw a baboon scramled onto the hood of their car.
Example 1
I almost caugt a hundred lightning bug.
- No caughted
Example 2
Misplaced: Driving to work, the coffee spilled all over my lap.
- It looks like coffee is being drived, thus it is modifiers.
Corrected: While I was driving to work, .................
Example 3
Misplaced: While eating some salmon, my plate fell on the kitchen floor.
- it seems that the plate is eating
Corrected: While I was eating some salmon, ......
Example 4:
Misplaced: Running down the street, my shoelace tripped me.
Corrected: While I was running down, I was tripped by my shoelace.
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