1. Bilim ve Teknoloji (Science and Technology)
Kelimeler: amplify, quantify, robust, obsolete, surveillance, facilitate, cognitive, explicit, coherent, implementation
- Türkçe: güçlendirmek
- Örnek Cümle: "The engineers worked to amplify the weak signal for better reception."
- Eş Anlamlılar: enhance, intensify
- Zıt Anlamlılar: reduce, diminish
- Türkçe: sayısallaştırmak
- Örnek Cümle: "It's challenging to quantify the impact of climate change on ecosystems."
- Eş Anlamlılar: measure, calculate
- Zıt Anlamlılar: estimate, guess
- Türkçe: sağlam
- Örnek Cümle: "The scientist designed a robust experiment to ensure reliable results."
- Eş Anlamlılar: strong, sturdy
- Zıt Anlamlılar: weak, fragile
2. Doğa ve Çevre (Nature and Environment)
Kelimeler: devastation, resilience, famine, contamination, sustainable, infrastructure, conservation
- Türkçe: dayanıklılık
- Örnek Cümle: "The resilience of coral reefs is crucial for marine biodiversity."
- Eş Anlamlılar: toughness, endurance
- Zıt Anlamlılar: fragility, vulnerability
- Türkçe: yıkım, tahribat
- Örnek Cümle: "The earthquake caused widespread devastation across the region."
- Eş Anlamlılar: destruction, ruin
- Zıt Anlamlılar: restoration, recovery
- Türkçe: kıtlık
- Örnek Cümle: "Famine is a recurring issue in war-torn countries."
- Eş Anlamlılar: starvation, scarcity
- Zıt Anlamlılar: abundance, plenty
3. Sosyal Bilimler (Social Sciences)
Kelimeler: assumption, mortality, consolidate, arbitrary, constituent, intervention, explicit, precedent, initiative
- Türkçe: ölüm oranı
- Örnek Cümle: "Efforts to improve sanitation have reduced mortality rates globally."
- Eş Anlamlılar: death rate
- Zıt Anlamlılar: immortality
- Türkçe: varsayım
- Örnek Cümle: "The assumption that everyone agrees is misleading."
- Eş Anlamlılar: presumption, belief
- Zıt Anlamlılar: certainty, fact
- Türkçe: pekiştirmek
- Örnek Cümle: "The merger helped the companies consolidate their market position."
- Eş Anlamlılar: strengthen, unify
- Zıt Anlamlılar: separate, weaken
4. Ekonomi ve İş Dünyası (Economy and Business)
Kelimeler: initiative, abundant, equivalent, retain, comprise, facilitate, well-to-do
- Türkçe: girişim
- Örnek Cümle: "The government launched an initiative to support small businesses."
- Eş Anlamlılar: venture, undertaking
- Zıt Anlamlılar: inactivity
- Türkçe: bol, bereketli
- Örnek Cümle: "The region is known for its abundant natural resources."
- Eş Anlamlılar: plentiful, ample
- Zıt Anlamlılar: scarce, insufficient
5. Genel ve Diğer (General and Miscellaneous)
Kelimeler: alleviate, bizarre, transient, discern, superficial, profound, cherish, adverse
- Türkçe: hafifletmek
- Örnek Cümle: "The new policy aims to alleviate poverty in urban areas."
- Eş Anlamlılar: ease, mitigate
- Zıt Anlamlılar: worsen, aggravate
- Türkçe: tuhaf
- Örnek Cümle: "The artist's new exhibit features bizarre and abstract sculptures."
- Eş Anlamlılar: peculiar, strange
- Zıt Anlamlılar: normal, ordinary
- Türkçe: ayırt etmek
- Örnek Cümle: "It was hard to discern the truth from the conflicting reports."
- Eş Anlamlılar: distinguish, perceive
- Zıt Anlamlılar: overlook, ignore
6. Psikoloji ve İnsan Davranışları (Psychology and Human Behavior)
Kelimeler: empathy, ambivalence, impulsive, perseverance, nurture, introspection, bias, anxiety, optimistic, pessimistic
- Türkçe: empati
- Örnek Cümle: "Empathy is a key component of effective communication."
- Eş Anlamlılar: compassion, understanding
- Zıt Anlamlılar: indifference, apathy
- Türkçe: kararsızlık
- Örnek Cümle: "Her ambivalence about the decision delayed the project."
- Eş Anlamlılar: uncertainty, doubt
- Zıt Anlamlılar: certainty, decisiveness
- Türkçe: azim, sebat
- Örnek Cümle: "Perseverance is crucial when facing challenges in life."
- Eş Anlamlılar: determination, persistence
- Zıt Anlamlılar: laziness, giving up
7. Eğitim ve Akademik Dünya (Education and Academia)
Kelimeler: curriculum, pedagogy, interdisciplinary, scholarship, literacy, evaluation, syllabus, apprentice, mentor, tenure
- Türkçe: müfredat
- Örnek Cümle: "The school updated its curriculum to include more STEM courses."
- Eş Anlamlılar: syllabus, program
- Zıt Anlamlılar: (yok – daha geniş çerçevede kullanılır)
- Türkçe: eğitim bilimi
- Örnek Cümle: "Modern pedagogy emphasizes student-centered learning."
- Eş Anlamlılar: teaching, education
- Zıt Anlamlılar: (yok – anlamına zıt bir terim yoktur)
- Türkçe: disiplinlerarası
- Örnek Cümle: "Interdisciplinary studies provide a broader perspective on complex issues."
- Eş Anlamlılar: multi-disciplinary, cross-disciplinary
- Zıt Anlamlılar: specialized
8. Sağlık ve Tıp (Health and Medicine)
Kelimeler: diagnosis, therapy, immunization, epidemic, chronic, acute, remedy, holistic, rehabilitation, prognosis
- Türkçe: teşhis
- Örnek Cümle: "Early diagnosis can improve the chances of recovery."
- Eş Anlamlılar: identification, detection
- Zıt Anlamlılar: misdiagnosis
- Türkçe: bağışıklık kazandırma
- Örnek Cümle: "Immunization has eradicated many infectious diseases."
- Eş Anlamlılar: vaccination, inoculation
- Zıt Anlamlılar: exposure
- Türkçe: kronik
- Örnek Cümle: "Chronic diseases require long-term management and care."
- Eş Anlamlılar: persistent, long-lasting
- Zıt Anlamlılar: acute, temporary
9. Hukuk ve Toplum (Law and Society)
Kelimeler: litigation, jurisdiction, precedent, equitable, accountability, mandate, arbitration, penalize, legislation, statute
- Türkçe: dava süreci
- Örnek Cümle: "The company was involved in a long litigation over intellectual property."
- Eş Anlamlılar: lawsuit, trial
- Zıt Anlamlılar: mediation
- Türkçe: yargı yetkisi
- Örnek Cümle: "This case falls outside the jurisdiction of local courts."
- Eş Anlamlılar: authority, control
- Zıt Anlamlılar: (yok – bağlama göre kullanılır)
- Türkçe: emsal karar
- Örnek Cümle: "The court's decision set a precedent for future cases."
- Eş Anlamlılar: example, model
- Zıt Anlamlılar: anomaly
10. Sanat ve Kültür (Art and Culture)
Kelimeler: aesthetics, avant-garde, folklore, genre, masterpiece, narrative, symbolism, adaptation, heritage, abstraction
- Türkçe: estetik
- Örnek Cümle: "The artist's work focused on the aesthetics of urban landscapes."
- Eş Anlamlılar: beauty, artfulness
- Zıt Anlamlılar: ugliness
- Türkçe: öncü, yenilikçi
- Örnek Cümle: "The avant-garde movement reshaped modern art."
- Eş Anlamlılar: innovative, pioneering
- Zıt Anlamlılar: conventional, traditional
- Türkçe: halk bilimi
- Örnek Cümle: "The region's folklore is rich with myths and legends."
- Eş Anlamlılar: mythology, traditions
- Zıt Anlamlılar: (yok – bağlama özgüdür)
4. APA Formatında Toplu Referans Ekleyerek Çalışma:
Örnek cümleler verildikten sonra, kullanılan kaynakları tek bir toplu referans listesinde APA formatında sağlayarak, bilimsel bir dayanak oluşturulabilir. Referansları metnin sonunda toplu olarak sunmak daha derli toplu bir görünüm sağlayacaktır.
Toplu Referanslar:
- Brown, T. (2022). Signal Processing Basics. Boston: MIT Press.
- Miller, J. (2021). Scientific Methods in Research. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Chen, H. (2019). Resilient Systems in Engineering. New York: Springer.
- Taylor, K. (2020). Urban Development Strategies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Green, R. (2018). Renewable Energy and Sustainability. London: Routledge.
- Harris, P. (2023). Policy Implementation in Modern Governments. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution.
- Johnson, L. (2020). Natural Disasters and Recovery. New York: Springer.
- Wilson, J. (2021). Environmental Pollution and Control. London: Academic Press.
- Thompson, S. (2019). Ecological Resilience and Recovery. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
- Davis, K. (2022). Conservation Biology. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Roberts, A. (2020). Global Hunger Challenges. London: Routledge.
- Smith, J. (2019). Digital Behavior Studies. New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Johnson, T. (2021). Global Health Trends. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Williams, R. (2018). Genetics and Society. London: Routledge.
- Baker, M. (2020). Psychological Interventions. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Lewis, P. (2019). Ethics in Decision Making. Boston: MIT Press.
- Carter, H. (2022). Business Strategy Essentials. New York: Springer.
- Adams, R. (2021). Tools for Efficient Project Management. London: Routledge.
- Richards, L. (2020). Global Crises and Responses. New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Bennett, K. (2022). Critical Thinking in Education. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Miller, T. (2021). Literature and Society. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
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